Heart Disease

Heart Attack
There are many types of heart disease, each with its own symptoms. The symptoms of heart disease differ depending on the type of heart disease and the gender of the patient. Men are usually more prone to chest pain while women with symptoms such as shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, nausea, chin or abdominal pain and chest discomfort.

There are different conditions that can be associated with the development of heart diseases such as Coronary heart disease, uncontrolled hypertension, abnormal heart valves, angina, stroke, vascular dementia, circulatory diseases, atherosclerosis and heart defects.

How Heart Disease Is Diagnosed:

Besides Blood test, and a Chest X-ray (Angiogram),  the ways doctors diagnose heart disease include Physical Examination, Medical History of the patient, ECG, CT Scan, MRI or Echocardiogram.

Once a heart disease is diagnosed, medical care is necessary to control the symptoms and providing a cure when possible.

Health Supplements for Heart Health:- Krill oil, Pomegranate juice, Dark Chocolate, Curcumin, Ginkgo Biloba, Omega-3 fish oil, Flaxseed oil, Black seed oil, Sea cucumber, Vitamin E, Vitamin K2, Vitamin D, Cinnamon, Green tea extract, CoQ10, Garlic extract, L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, Sacha Inchi oil, Black ginger, Natto, Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), Black Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Spirulina, Chlorella, Moringa, Bromelain, Lecithin, Skyfruit.

Recommended Products:

MegaLive Natolic Gold
MegaLive Natolic Gold provides seven types of herbal ingredients which are aronia berry extract, garlic extract, turmeric extract, hawthorn berry extract, grape seed extract, celery seed extract and fermented soybean extract. This combination of ingredients could help to improve blood circulation and maintain good health.
Ingredients: Aronia Berry Extract 50 mg, Garlic Extract 60 mg, Turmeric Extract 65 mg,
Hawthorn Berry Extract 65 mg, Grape Seed Extract 65 mg, Celery Seed Extract 60 mg,
Fermented Soybean Extract 50 mg.

HMS Concept CoQ-10 Plus

Doctor's Best, Natto-Serra (Nattokinase + Serrapeptase)

SHENLU Natto Red Yeast Rice Capsules

Ingredients: Nattokinase extract, Red Yeast Rice, Salvia extract, and Ginkgo Biloba extract

Synergy ProArgi-9 Plus - Heart Disease Miracle

BELIXZ BEFIL Healthy Heart Drink

Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 350MG
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 700MG
Blackcurrant Seed Oil (Ribes nigrum) 100MG

Support heart health and functions.
Grape Seed Extract, Astaxanthin, Coenzyme Q10, Oat Beta-Glucan, and Vitamin E are able to help protect the heart from free-radical damage and also strengthen the blood vessels for an easy blood flow throughout the body, especially to the heart.

PHM Monatto Capsule
Each Monatto 450mg capsule contain: Glycine Max (Natto) 150mg Monascus 300mg

Powerlife K2D3
Maintain Cardiovascular Health
Prevents arterial calcification (hardening of blood vessels)
Helps maintain regular heart rhythms
Maintains elasticity of blood vessels
Vitamin K2 - 120 mcg, Vitamin D - 1000 mg
VitaHealth Supa Garlic Plus
VitaHealth Supa Garlic Plus combines garlic oil, lecithin and wheatgerm oil for strengthening body health. Ingredients: Lecithin 1100 mg, Garlic 1g, Wheatgerm oil 100 mg.
GML Pills 冠脉宁
GML Made from traditional Chinese herbals to improve blood circulation
GML pills is a Chinese herbal medicine pill specially developed to treat blood vessel blockage.
It can effectively remove blockages in blood vessels! It can also dissolve blockages caused by cholesterol in blood vessels.
🔰Remove garbage from blood vessels and prevent plunger
🔰Disperse blood clots in the body and prevent strokes
成份 :
丹参 Radix Salvia Miltiorrhizae 400mg
田七 Radix Panax Notoginseng 500mg
瓜蒌 Fructus Trichosanthis Kirilowii 400mg
山楂 Fructus Crataegus Pinnatifida 400mg
葛根 Radix Puerariae Lobata 500mg
桑寄生 Ramulus Taxillus Chinensis 400mg
絞股藍 Herba Gynostemma Pentaphyllum 400mg
Cholesterol | Lower Lipid Levels | Heart Disease
Pharmacological Effects:
Promotes blood circulation and effectively prevents vascular blockage. Supports general health maintenance and is suitable for everyday use.
Ingredients: Danshen, Tianqi, Angelica, Astragalus, Paeonia, Carthamus, Sichuan Pepper, Codonopsis, Chuanxiong, and more.
Please ensure that you have purchased a genuine product from an authorized dealer.
Heart Attack Watch video a singer with heart attack - click here
First aid for Heart Attack - click here
Quick First aid to save a life - click here

The most common cause of a heart attack is the narrowing or blockage of one or more arteries in the coronary arteries.  The coronary artery is located on the surface of the heart and is a blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart muscle itself. Artery blockage is due to the accumulation of
fatty materials, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, and fibrin that make up plaque. It causes the arterial walls to thicken and stiffen when it accumulates within the arteries. Acute coronary syndrome occurs when the coronary artery is suddenly blocked, and blood flow is greatly reduced or interrupted. Insufficient blood supply to any tissue is called ischemia. If the blood supply is drastically reduced or interrupted for more than a few minutes, it will cause the death of myocardial tissue. Patients with acute coronary syndrome often experience chest compression or chest pain which may spread to the shoulder, arm, upper abdomen, back or neck. Other symptoms include shortness of breath,  dizziness, sudden heavy sweating, and fatigue.

Main Culprits Responsible for Heart Disease:

Foods high in sugar, Trans fat and high-glycemic carbs such as white bread, cereal, cornflakes, potato chips, soft drinks, pastries, snack, fried foods, coffee creamer, cookies, canned food, processed foods, cooking oil, etc. Trans fat is found in partially hydrogenated oil, which raises bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol.

A recent study shows that heart disease is caused by inflammation of the artery wall. Processed cooking oils that are high in omega-6 oils and with long shelf life will cause inflammation and slowly poison everyone. We are overloaded with highly processed carbohydrates like sugar, flour, and excess of omega-6 from vegetable oil like soybean, corn and sunflower oil, which are found in processed food. Recently, researchers had also found that trans fats are found in cooking oils that are not listed.

Avoid high Omega-6 vegetable oils (soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, etc.) as these oils can make the LDL lipoproteins in the body becomes oxidized
Most vegetable oils like corn oil, soybean oil, safflower, margarine, and shortening are promoted as a healthy oil. Why should you avoid it?

During the processing of the above oils, they can't be extracted just by pressing or extract naturally. So, chemicals (caustic soda) were used to remove the oil from the seeds.  But most of the above oils are promoted as a healthy or cholesterol-free cooking oil.

Vegetable oil contains a high level of omega-6 fatty acids (polyunsaturated fat). We need an omega-3 and omega-6 in the balance at a 1:1 ratio. If we consume a higher ratio of omega-6 for the long term, it may lead to many health problems such as increasing rates of cancer, heart disease, blood clots, hypertension, strokes, heart attack, and weight gain.

When high polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as canola, corn oil, and soybean oils are heated to high temperature during cooking or frying foods, chemical changes and oxidized cholesterol is introduced into our systems when we consume the food.

When these cooking oils are heated, especially to high temperatures, they degrade into oxidation products. More than 100 dangerous oxidation products have been found in a single piece of chicken fried in vegetable oils.

Margarine and shortening are made by adding hydrogen to the vegetable oil called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation turns liquid fat into a solid. This process made the fat having a longer shelf-life and less greasy. Thus, Trans fat is created. It increases the small LDL cholesterol particles and lowers your "good" (HDL) cholesterol if you include it in your foods that are made with margarine and shortening. This can contribute to the buildup of plaque in your arteries. Clogged arteries greatly increase the probability of heart attack and stroke. Trans fats cause all sorts of health problems. It can clog arteries and a major contributor to type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and also linked to coronary heart disease.

Margarine and shortening are found in cakes, crackers, cookies, white bread, and processed foods.

Non-dairy creamer is made from hydrogenated vegetable fat which is high in trans fat. It is usually made from Palm Kernel Oil. This cream is found in 3-in-1 coffee, 3-in-1 tea and, other 3-in-1 drinks. Please Avoid it.

Over time, plaques are formed in the arteries clogging and hardening the blood vessels which may lead to heart attacks, stroke, and severe leg pain. Blood clots formed by sticky platelets and soft plaques may break free in the artery walls, which can block blood flow and cause death.

There is some evidence that the risk of heart attacks may be elevated by calcium supplementation.  Calcium deposits can form all over your body, including in your soft tissues, arteries and organs. You will absorb more calcium if you take it alongside vitamin D. That may sound like a good thing, but the calcium will end up somewhere you don't want it to if you don't have enough vitamin K2. 

Understanding the symptoms of a heart attack may improve your chances of survival.

Symptoms: Chest pain or discomfort, stomach discomfort, difficulty to raise your hand, shortness of breath, nausea, cold sweat, pain in the shoulder, arm, neck or back and sudden dizziness. If the symptoms are severe, you should call for an ambulance immediately. 

Warning: - Left arm pain or shoulder pain can be a symptom of an impending heart attack due to clogged arteries.

Who is at Risk?

Those with a chest infection, gout, OA, RA, lupus, stress, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, type 2 diabetes
, and obesity increase the risk of a heart attack

Unhealthy foods, lack of exercise, and smoking can also lead to heart disease. 

Medications can raise your risk of heart failure such as Antibiotics, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Blood pressure medicine, Cancer medications, Nasal decongestants, cold medicines, Diabetes medications, etc.

Medical Treatments For Blocked or Clogged Arteries.

Doctors may prescribe various medicines such as olmesartan, indapamide, doxazosin to lower blood pressure, statins to lower cholesterol and aspirin or other blood thinner. 

If medications can't help, surgery may be necessary  to remove blockages from within the arteries.

Angioplasty - Medical animation

Heart Bypass Surgery

Ear Lobe Crease
Ear Lobe Crease is a sign associated with aging and cardiovascular disease. If you have earlobe creases, you may be at a higher risk of getting heart disease due to plaque buildup in the coronary arteries.

Normal Earlobe is smooth

Earlobe Crease
What is A Stroke?

A stroke is when blood flow to the brain is poor or blood supply is blocked by arterial plaque causing brain tissue to die. An ischemic stroke is a lack of blood flow due to clogged arteries while a hemorrhagic stroke is bleeding in the brain due to blood vessel leak or burst. A stroke may be treated with Intravenous injection of tissue with a clot-dissolving medicine called  plasminogen activator (TPA), and surgery.

High blood pressure can cause the hardening of the blood vessels, stenosis of the lumen, and causing an ischemic stroke. At the same time, hypertension can increase the fragility of blood vessels. Under higher pressure, blood vessels are more likely to rupture, leading to hemorrhagic stroke. 

Patients with stroke often have a disability after a stroke, and one side of the body weak or paralyzed, making it difficult or impossible to walk, not only inconvenient, but the whole family will also suffer. However, there is currently no good and effective medical technology that allows these stroke patients to stand up and take care of themselves.

Signs and Symptoms before a stroke:- Dizziness, Sudden headache, confusion, feeling faint suddenly, trouble speaking, loss of balance, vision problem, face drooping, numbness of the face, arms, or legs, especially on one side of the body.

When someone has shown symptoms of a stroke, call for an ambulance immediately.

Possible Causes:- High blood pressure, Heart disease, Diabetes, Smoking, Blood clot, Weakened blood vessel leak (burst), High Cholesterol levels, Sticky blood, Narrowed or blocked blood vessels in the brain, anger, excessive fatigue, blood stasis, climate change - For example: In the winter, it suddenly becomes cold, and the invasion of cold evil can affect the blood circulation.

Certain medications such as blood-thinner, blood pressure medications, and statins may cause stroke when taken for a long period and if the blood vessels are narrowed caused by plaque build-up.

Foods to Prevent Stroke and Heart disease:
Dark chocolate, Bean sprouts, Citrus fruits, Tomatoes, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, Green tea, Potassium-rich foods, Magnesium-rich foods, Blueberries, Broccoli, Pomegranate, Spinach and kale, Soy products, including tofu and soy milk-rich foods, etc.
TCM Treatments For Stroke. Watch First Aid Tip Before A Stroke - click here
Seek help from acupuncturists as soon as possible. Acupuncture therapy is used for treating ischemic stroke in TCM. The conditions of stroke, such as paralysis and speech problems can be treated with acupuncture.  Acupuncture treatments work by restoring circulation and are very effective for stroke.
It is important to seek a skilled acupuncturist with experience in stroke therapy.
TCM Treatment in Malaysia -  Click here for more information

Another effective Chinese Therapy for many diseases and illnesses including stroke is Yuan Shi Dian, also known as The Origin Point Therapy which uses massage of pain points, application of heat therapy and exercise to treat many health problems.
Yuan Shi Dian in Malaysia - click here
Powerlife PQQ Ubiquinol Supplement For Post Brain-Related Injury.
Powerlife PQQ Ubiquinol features 2 world renowned patented ingredients, PureQQ and Keneka Ubiquinol.
Ubiquinol after stroke can regulate the inflammatory and degenerative pathways. Concurrently, PQQ acts as a potent enhancer of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) production, providing additional protection against brain-related injuries. As both actives in Powerlife PQQ Ubiquinol are taken together, they work synergistically to improve spatial memory and learning performance during recovery stage, making it an ideal health supplement for post brain-related injury such as stroke.
This combination of PureQQ (PQQ) and Kaneka Ubiquinol in Powerlife PQQ Ubiquinol is designed and formulated specially to optimize post-stroke brain recovery at cellular level and this pair is essential in conjunction with the use of statins drugs to offset the negative effects which is statin induced mitochondrial dysfunction.
Chinese Herbal Medicines Effective For Stroke Recovery :-
Available at most Chinese drug stores or search at Amazon.com.

Ren Shen Zai Zao Wan 人参再造丸
Jin Zhuang Hua Tuo Zai Zao Pills 华陀再造丸
Qiang Li Tian Ma Du Zhong Pian  强力天麻杜仲丸
Bu Chang Nao Xin Tong Capsules 步长脑心通
Zhong Feng Hui Chun Wan 中风回春丸
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Pian 血府逐瘀片
Highly Recommended Home Remedies For Stroke Recovery!

Anti-Artery Clogging Formulas To Prevent Stroke & Heart attack

Please consult your healthcare provider before taking any herbal medicines mentioned here.
#1. Chinese Herbal Formula for Clogged Arteries

(玉竹 yù zhú),Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati - 10 grams
(牛膝 Niu Xi), Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae - 15 grams
(黨參 Dangshen ) Codonopsis pilosula - 15 grams
(丹参 Danshen) Salvia miltiorrhiza - 15 grams
(五味子 Wu Wei Zi)  Schisandra chinensis (Five-flavor berry)- 15 grams
(麦冬 Mai dong)  Dwarf lilyturf, Ophiopogon japonicus- 15 grams

Preparing Herbal Decoctions

Wash the herbs and put them in a clay cooking pot.
Boil and stew all the above ingredients with 1200 ml water for 45 minutes. 
Strain the decoction when the decoction is ready.
Drink one cup (250 ml) of the concoction in the morning and another cup of the concoction in the evening until recovery.

Note: Chinese herbs can be decocted for once or twice. For the second decoction,  less water should be added for cooking accordingly.
Recommended containers for preparing herbal decoctions:
Earthenware pot, enamel pot, china pot, clay pot.
You can soak the herbs for 30 minutes to reduce cooking time. Instead of 45 minutes cooking time, boil for 30 minutes.

将草药洗干净,将草药放入锅中。 加入1200毫升水。
注意:中草药可以煎一两次。 对于第二次煎煮,应加入较少的水用于烹饪。
#2. Herbal Juice to Unclog Arteries.
Sabah snake grass (憂 遁草 You Dun Cao) - 60 leaves
Green apple - one piece, (cut into small pieces)
Di dan tou 地 斬頭, Elephantopus scaber L - Two leaves
A little water. Blend all the ingredients. Strain out the juice and drink two times a day for 3 weeks.

Helpful Herbs/Remedies to unclog arteries and improve blood circulation:
 Red Yeast Rice, Jiao Gu Lan Tea, Ginkgo biloba, Hawthorn, Garlic, Ginger, Tumeric, Guggul,  Pomegranate juice, Artichoke extract, Green tea, Policosanal, CoQ10, Porcupine date.
 Wood Ear Mushroom Tea 

Black Fungus Tea
黑 木 耳 茶

Ingredients: Black Fungus, Ginger, Red Dates
Black fungus is a type of edible mushroom and also known as wood ear fungus. A good home remedy for reducing high cholesterol levels and clearing clogged arteries. It is easy to prepare the black fungus tea.

Here are the ingredients.

Dried Black Fungus – 100 grams (Soak in water for 1 to 2 hours or until soft)

Drain away the water. Cut the black fungus into small pieces and put them in a clay cooking pot.

Add 2 liters of water. Add 5 slices of ginger, 5 pieces of red dates and a few cloves of garlic.

Boil and stew for about 1 hour over low fire.

Drink a cup (250 ml) of the wood ear tea 2 to 3 times daily on empty stomach or at least 1 hour before a meal for about 3 weeks to 4 weeks.

You can also eat the black fungus later, at lunch or dinner. You can also blend the boiled black fungus in a blender with the boiled water. The concoction will be thick and gummy. Drink the concoction two to three times a day for 3 to 4 weeks.

If you use a slow cooker, cook overnight for 6 to 8 hours.

Avoid oily food during this period. You may see that your stool is dark and smelly during the first two days of use.

Note: You may feel tired after 3 or 4 days, it is normal as your cleaning process has started. You can take some multivitamins and fruit juices.

Do not eat black fungus before or after having surgery, extract a tooth and during menses. The black fungus can thin your blood and may lead to bleeding.

Black Fungus should be eaten with moderation and not recommend for daily consumption for the long term. (Eat two to three times a week for general health may be just right)

If you take aspirin, do not eat black fungus as it acts like blood thinner which is similar to that of aspirin.

You may repeat the above therapy after six months for maintenance purpose.

Health benefits of Wood-ear mushroom tea:

Clearing clogged arteries, prevent iron deficiency anemia, inhibits tumor growth, prevent uterine bleeding, dry throat or mouth, cough, improve blood circulation, thinning the blood, blood vessels cleaner, lowering blood pressure & cholesterol levels, liver health, vision, and heart health.
#4. Ginger, Garlic, Lemon, Apple Cider and Honey Botanical Beverage Mix

A formula that can help to prevent artery blockage, heart ailments, lower blood pressure, reduce blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol levels, improved blood circulation & boosting immune systems.

Lemon juice              01 cup
Ginger juice               01 cup
Garlic  juice               01 cup
Apple cider vinegar   01 cup
Mix all above and boil on low heat, approximately half hour, when it becomes 3 cups, take off stove and let cool. After cooling, mix 2 cups of natural honey and keep it in a bottle.
Every morning before breakfast  take one to two tablespoons regularly. Your blockage of arteries/veins will open. Watch video - click here
Many ready-made products listed below are available in Malaysia. You can buy online at Shopee.com.my or at your local  Chinese medicine shop.
Highly Recommended Products For Clogged Arteries.

Recommended products:
#1. SE7EN Mixed Botanical Drink

Mixed Botanical Drink of Ginger, Garlic, Lemon, Apple Cider and Honey.

Ingredients: Ginger, Garlic, Lemon, Apple Cider and Honey. No Preservatives, No Flavourings, No Colourings.

Product Category: Organic and Halal (Malaysia)

Manufactured under strict GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) to MS 1500:2009 (1 067-09/2014)

#2. Carelife Lemon Garlic Ginger Juice 700ml  
#3. Natural Tone Traditional Natural Drink (Tong Xue Ling) 
#4. Purigene Ginger & Lemon Botanical Beverage Mix

#6. Vecon Lemon Garlic Ginger Juice
#7. Natural Tone Wonder Drink Jus Halia Lemon Bawang Putih
#8. BC Good Fruits Juice 舒心宝
Prevention is better than cure!
~Many many benefits 很多好处~ -Helps prevent heart diseases, stroke, and blockage of blood vessels 避免心血管问题 -Reduce blood cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar level 降低坏胆固醇,血压以及血糖 -Relieve constipation, belching and bloating, 帮助便秘,消除肚子胀气,胀风 -Improve blood circulation 帮助血液循环 -helps indigestion 帮助消化.
Dr. Patkar's Apple Cider Vinegar with Garlic, Ginger, Lemon and Honey 200ml
 2 customer reviews 
After just 2 weeks of using Dr. Patkar's ACV, Garlic, Ginger, Lemon and Honey, I notice improved vascularity, better quality erections, my extremities don't get cold easily, fewer muscle cramps, and improved digestion. Thank you Dr. P! (Place your order early; this product may come from India and take 45 days to reach the US. Still well worth the wait).

I Had A test and I went from moderate clog to normal, no clog. Will keep taking this!!!!
Please click here for more information
Kyäni NitroFX is a proprietary blend of noni concentrate that increases the body's natural production of Nitric Oxide (NO). Also known as the Molecule of Life, Nitric Oxide repairs, defends, and maintains every cell of the body. Studied extensively by researchers and physicians, Nitric Oxide has been touted as a powerful, health-promoting molecule by a large number of scientific papers.
Synergy Proargi-9 Plus L-Arginine is one of the most potent neutraceuticals ever discovered. In addition to its beneficial effects on the blood circulation, l-arginine has been shown to have positive impacts on immune function, weight concerns and aging. Supports cardiovascular health, Enhances blood flow to vital organs, Boost energy levels, Reduce heart Blockage & Reduce Blood Pressure.Watch video - click here
NOW Noni 450 mg,90 Veg Capsules
Solaray Noni Capsules, 460 mg, 100 Count
Tahitian Noni Juice Authentic - CASE OF 4 x 1 LITTER. BOTTLES!
Atomy Organic Fermented Noni Concentrate
Noni juice can help those with high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.
CELLMAXX   was based health food blue-green algae called Aphanizomenon flos aquae (AFA) from Klamath Lake, Oregon USA. These products are rich in nutrients such as polysaccharides complete, phycocyanin, Klofil, L-Seletar ligand, Vitamins, Minerals Beta carotene, amino acids and phenylethylamine (PEA). Addressing study recruitment Aquae Aphanizomenon flos by 1 to 3 grams per day can support the release of "mother cells" and cells - new cells from the bone marrow that are needed by the body to improve the human immune system naturally. It can help to treat many diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, migraine, heart disease, gout, cancer, tumor, alzheimer, slip disc, stroke, etc.
Available in capsules know as Afamaxx Superfood Maxxima.
Search for this product at Shopee.com.my
Circu-Defense contains the right quantities of two vital nutrients to keep your circulation healthy and your arteries young:
It contains 50 mg of NSK-SD, the most potent form of the enzyme nattokinase, derived from an unusual Japanese fermented soybean called natto.
CircuDefense also contains 500 mg of cordiose which keeps arteries flexible and improves blood flow.

NANO KRILL OIL EPA 780mg/ DHA330mg, 90-CAPS. Contains Antarctica (South Pole) Krill Oil. Promotes brain, heart and artery elasticity. Highly recommended for working adults, elderly. Made in Japan - 

Nano Krill Oil is a low temperature extract of the abundant Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) which contains unique phospholipids rich in omega-3 (EPA and DHA). With effectiveness 6.5X higher than standard fish oil, you can enjoy health arterial condition and cardiovascular response.
Key Benefits:
Reduces risks of arterial-related diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Promotes healthy blood lipid levels, effective arterial elasticity. Manages cholesterol level and balance blood pressure. Helps to maintain active brain function.
Highly recommended
- Search for the product at Shopee.com.my or click here

Elken Dr-Xeniji ccontains more than 50 types of fruits and vegetables and Muscovado sugar. These are broken down through a complete fermentation process over 1,000 days into a broad spectrum of bioactive micro-fine nutrients and enzyme catalysts. With efficient nutrient absorption, Dr-Xeniji boosts catalytic functions to enhance overall metabolism for efficient energy production and utilisation. Search for Elken DR - XENIJI at Lazada Malaysia or Shopee.com.my

Iyashino Thromboles - Unblock Blood Vessel, Stroke Recovery. Suitable for people with high cholesterol, hypertension, stroke recovery, and those who are perceived at risk of getting Stroke, Heart Attack, and DVT (Deep-Vein Thrombosis) The product use direct thrombolytic action to dissolve blood clots. It does not interact with (or It can be taken with) anticoagulation medication such as Warfarin. Available at Lazada Malaysia or at Shopee.com
Danshen Plus Capsule To fight Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
Danshen Plus Capsule has the function to improve blood circulation by removing stasis. Clinical application proves that Danshen Plus Capsule and conventional therapies has good positive effects on patients suffering from brain stroke. To Clean blood vessel and protect 2ed heart – micro-circulation. To lower blood lipid (cholesterol) and reduce plaque from arthrosclerosis. Note: Those taking blood thinning medicine should avoid taking Dan Shen pian. Search for the  product at Lazada Malaysia or at Amazon.com.

What Are Arginine's Heart Benefits? In the body, the amino acid arginine changes into nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps blood vessels relax and also improves circulation to all parts of the body. Circulation is reduced as we age due to narrowing of arteries and veins. L-Arginine 1000mg expands these arteries. Evidence shows that arginine may help improve blood flow in the arteries of the heart. There are other potential health benefits with arginine, such as improved walking distance in people with intermittent leg cramping and weakness.

Solgar's platinum edition nitro-nano CoQ-10 is a patent-protected nanotechnology that transforms fat-soluble nutrients into water-soluble ones. Solgar platinum edition nutri-nano CoQ-10 is 3.1 times more bioavailable than traditional CoQ-10 powder. Two times more bioavailable than oil-based CoQ-11. Provides superior efficacy obtained by faster and better absorption. Sugar, salt and starch free.Search for it at Amazon.com 

Grenera Organic Amla Powder (Gooseberry)
Fights Against Heart Disease High cholesterol is the leading cause of heart disease. By reducing the build up of bad cholesterol, Amla reduces the risk of heart disease. It also reduces clogging in the arteries by boosting good cholesterol or HDL . Studies have also shown its benefits in preventing the thickening of blood vessel walls, the first sign of heart disease.

Elken LIVExtra
LIVEXtra is a special formulation for cardiovascular health developed in consultation with Nobel Laureate Dr Ferid Murad for cardiovascular health. It contains an exclusive proprietary blend of: Free form of Pharmaceutical Grade Amino Acid (L-Arginine) that is extremely effective in producing Nitric Oxide (NO) to enhance blood flow and help keep blood vessels elastic Patented Probiotic CoQ10 that has 20 times higher antioxidant properties and is retained 68% longer in the body than ordinary CoQ10 Synergistic nutrients that work with NO for heart health like folic acid, metafolin, vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin E and beta carotene. Search for the product at Lazada Malaysia or at Shopee.com.my
Watch Video in Malay - click here
Watch video in English - click here
HUO XUE BAO AN DAN - REMEDY FOR HYPERTENSION Promote blood circulation and prevent vascular occlusion. Main Function: - improve myocardial ischemia, venous congestion, as a sedation and analgesia and reduce cardiac load. - improve chest tightness, precordial pain and cardiovascular disorders casued by blockage of the blood vessels. - strengthen heart, lung and kidney functions (especially beneficial to hypertension and diabetic patients.) - improve blood viscosity, promote blood circulation and angina pectoris. - prevent cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and cerebral embolism. 
For more information about Chinese herbal medicine - click here

BElixz Befil 360 Heart Health Formulation
A holistic supplementary beverage dedicated to supply the much-needed miracle molecules, Nitric Oxide (NO) to enlighten your heart and other parts of the body.

Key ingredients: L-Arginine, Pomegranate Juice (powder), Beet Root Juice (powder), Tomato Extract, Coenzyme Q10.

Other ingredients: Fructose, Lemon Juice Powder, Citric Acid, Maltodextrin, Silicon Dioxide, Vitamin E, Lemon, Pomegranate Flavour, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Cyanocobalamin
Joyweed Sessilis Herbal Tea:Clear Blood Vessels 红田乌草药茶:疏通血管
Functions: Improve cardiovascular disease, blooding cleaning, lower choleterol, treats dizziness, headache, fever, and indigestion.
You can order online at Lazada or Shopee.com.my in Malaysia.
Powerlife Arteplex  is a combination of Allium Ursinum (Wild Garlic) and 3 powerful antioxidants (Grape Seed Extract, Acai Berry Extract, Pine Bark Extract).Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to several dreadful consequences includes heart attack, stroke or kidney disease.
It’s clinically proven to prevent platelet aggregation thus preventing blood clots in artery, relax and reduce resistance of blood vessels for better blood flow. This enhance great flexibility of the artery and support on regulation of blood pressure. Grape seed extract, acai berry extract and pine bark extract complementing wild garlic in heart health maintenance by preventing oxidative stress.  
Ingredients: Wild Garlic - 200 mg, Acai Berry extract - 50 mg, Grape seed extract - 40 mg, Pine Bark Extract - 40 mg
Powerlife Arrespid is a combination of Monascus Purpureus (Red Yeast Rice) and powerful antioxidant – Olea Europaea (Olive Fruit). It is proven to be able to protect the LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage and significantly reduce platelet aggregation that leads to plaque formation (atherosclerosis), and thereby reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Ingredients: Red Yeast Rice - 490mg, Olive Fruit extract - 50 mg
MegaLive Natolic Gold
MegaLive Natolic Gold provides seven types of herbal ingredients which are aronia berry extract, garlic extract, turmeric extract, hawthorn berry extract, grape seed extract, celery seed extract and fermented soybean extract. This combination of ingredients could help to improve blood circulation and maintain good health.
Aronia Berry Extract 50 mg
Garlic Extract 65 mg
Turmeric Extract 65 mg
Hawthorn Berry Extract 65 mg
Grape Seed Extract 65 mg
Celery Seed Extract 60 mg
Fermented Soybean Extract 50 mg
Doctor's Best Natto-Serra combines two natural enzymes, namely Nattokinase and serrapeptase, which effectively cleanse your veins and arteries.
Ingredients: Serrapeptase 40,000 SPU, Nattokinase - 200 FU
Doctor's Best High Potency Serrapeptase, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Vegan, Supports Healthy Sinuses, 120,000 SPU, 90 Veggie Caps - click here.
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the non-pathogenic bacteria Serratia species found in the digestive tract of the Japanese silkworm. Serrapeptase has a wide range of health benefits like promotes cardiovascular and arterial health, it supports the body's natural processes for both drainage and repair. Other uses include reducing excess mucus, removing plaques in artery walls, fibrocystic breast, uterine fibroids, reducing swelling and a great help for those suffering from migraine, osteoporosis, headache, sprains, torn ligaments, Carpal Tunnel, back pain, high cholesterol, hypertension, etc.Watch video - click here
Angirx - Stop Strokes & Heart Attacks Before They Stop You!
Popular Anti-Artery Clogging Formula Angirx Reformulates with Serrapeptase Enzymes.
Click here for more information
Himalaya Arjuna
Arjuna is used extensively in maintaining healthy blood pressure, normal cardiac functioning and promoting cardiorespiratory endurance.
The herb helps to lower blood lipid levels, and prevents the hardening of blood vessels by reducing lipid accumulation in the arteries.
Kordel'S Olive Fruit Extract 

LDL cholesterol is not bad until it turns “rancid”

Recent studies have confirmed that cholesterol is not the main culprit to heart disease but instead it is important to protect it from turning “rancid” (oxidized). Scientists have long found that “rancid” LDL cholesterol is what poses the real danger to heart disease. When the LDL cholesterol get oxidized by free radicals in our body, it is recognised by the body as foreign particles. This will trigger activation of the immune system and initiation of inflammation, leading to the formation of plaque which causes blockage in blood vessels.

Introducing Kordel’s Olive Fruit Extract, a unique formula that contains 1.7 times more hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives than EFSA recommendation to prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage. Here’s the main reasons why you choose Kordel’s Olive Fruit Extract.
Sky fruit, Swietenia macrophylla, 向天果
It promotes good blood circulation, lower cholesterol levels and lower fats built-up in the blood. Improve immune system and body strength. Reduce blood pressure and anti-aging. Lowering glucose level in blood - Good for diabetic’s patient! Prevents blood vessels from getting blocked. Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammation. It helps to keep the body’s pH alkaline.
Benefits of Sky Fruit the Miracle Herb - click here to learn more
Moringa leaves ( 辣木) are rich in antioxidants, protein, vitamin A, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, iron, amino acids, fiber, etc. and may reduce inflammation. reduce blood sugar and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Medicinal Use for: Detoxification, strengthen immune system, prevention of osteoporosis, arthritis, diarrhea, treat fever, rheumatism, diabetes, constipation, headache, stabilize blood pressure,  high cholesterol, promote good blood circulation, and fighting cancer.
Noni Juice : Effective in curing gout, arthritis, boosts immune system, protect against liver disease, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes,.Detoxification, prevent constipation, prevent stroke, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. Health Benefits of Noni Juice - click here
Rich in vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, iron, amino acid, chlorophyll, antioxidant and high in fibre. Many health benefits, cleanses the blood, liver, reduces over-acidity in your blood.
Wheatgrass Powder: Benefits and Uses - click here
Alfalfa is a storehouse of nutrients and minerals and the leaves have large amount of chlorophyll. Alfalfa contains amino acids,  Vitamins A, C, E, K and protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and trace elements . Alfalfa can increase levels of HDL cholesterol and reduce the build-up of fat in the arteries. Other benefits :- cleansing the blood, reduce blood cholesterol, lower blood pressure and reducing blood sugar.
Alfalfa health benefits - click here
Klamath blue green algae is made from all natural ingredients and works much more effectively than chlorella or spirulina. There are no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, and it is lactose/gluten free. This product is high in protein, chlorophyll, vitamins A, C, E, and B-12, as well as folate, chromium, riboflavin, calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium.
100% Pure Klamath Blue (Super High Quality)
Due to its antioxidant properties Klamath blue green algae is commonly referred to as a Superfood. Taking this product will help you lose weight, reduce your stress, boost your energy, and improve brain function. It can help with decreasing anxiety and depression and with regulating hormonal imbalances so that you can begin to feel like yourself once more. It is great for improving and maintaining your overall health, especially your brain and kidney functions, so that you can stay active and live a healthy lifestyle.*
Sacha Inchi Oil 印加果油
Sacha Inchi oil has a very high content of Omega-3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids), it can help in all kinds of health issues that arise from unbalanced diet in the modern era.
Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties, Promotes Cardiovascular System, Promotes Joint Health, Promotes Bone Health, Prevents Arthritis, Enhances blood vessel elasticity and allows blood circulation, Improve cardiovascular disease.
Grape seed extract is rich in antioxidants and beneficial for those with high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, poor blood circulation, nerve damage, heart disease and sticky blood. It acts as a blood-thinner, but it may increase the risk of bleeding if taken with warfarin or other blood-thinners


It is a single celled organism and a good natural source of vitamins , minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants. It helps to normalize cholesterol and balances blood pressure. It is good for young children and the old.  It provides a wide spectrum of nutrients.  It is the best natural multivitamin. Helps reduce stroke and cancer risks.  Spirulina - click here to learn more

Top Artery Cleansing Foods:  Pomegranate, Garlic, Ginger, Asparagus, Olive oil, Avocados, Broccoli, Turmeric, Watermelon, and Hawthorn.
Feeling faint suddenly (Near Syncope)
Near Fainting (Near syncope) is when the brain does not receive enough oxygen and glucose. It comes suddenly while walking or standing but recovers within a short time.

Symptoms:- Dizziness, Fatigue, Feeling faint suddenly, feel lightheaded (near syncope) while standing or walking.

Possible causes: - High cholesterol, Low blood sugar, Low blood pressure, Nerve disorder, Panic attack, Stress,  Anemia, Sticky blood, Fatigue (extremely tired), Poor blood circulation, Lack of Vitamins B12, B5, B6, Dehydration, Heart rhythm disorders (weak heart), drug allergies or side effects, prolong standing, pregnancy,  arterial issues, body overheating during hot weather, the possibility of conditions such as heart attack and stroke. Lack of sleep and hungry can also cause fainting.

Health Supplements: - Vitamin B complex, Spirulina, Apple Cider vinegar, Honey, Ginkgo biloba, CoQ10, Hawthorn, Motherwort, Vitamin C, Oats, Passionflower.

Drink more water and intake more salt than usual.  Too little sodium in the body may cause dizziness and fainting while walking in hot weather.

Eat more fruits and vegetables of multi colors.

Mix 1 tablespoon ACV + 1 teaspoon Honey in a cup of water. Drink it daily may help with a fainting spell.

Drink 2 to 4 glasses of Alkaline ionized water daily can be helpful.

KRILL OIL + COQ10 Heart Formula: Lower Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Triglycerides (30 day supply)

KRILL OIL OMEGA-3 / EPA / DHA: With over 8,000 human studies, Omega-3 fatty acids found in our Neptune Krill Oil are among the most researched nutritional compounds in the world. Omega-3s have been shown to support healthy heart and joints, improve mood and cognitive health, and support a healthy menstrual cycle for women.

Blood Mansion Formula - Heart Qi Herbal Tonic Supplement
Indications: Heart Blood Stagnation, Heart Qi Deficiency, and Heart Blood Deficiency. Used to maintain heart health and nourishes the "Heart" energetic organ system according to Chinese medicine. Blood Mansion contains natural tonic herbs traditionally used to maintain normal heart health including herbs that tonify Heart Qi and help to better circulate Heart Blood; therefore, this formula addresses both weaknesses and blockages of Qi and Blood according to Chinese medicine.

Best in Nature VigorHeart-The Best Heart Supplements Pills with CoQ 10, Salvia Miltiorrhiza, and Panax Pesudoginseng, 30 Capsules

Note: - Check with your doctor to find out what has caused your problem, so that it can be treated.
Numbness in hands or soles
What Causes of Numbness in Hand and Feet:
Possible causes of tingling in the hands and feet are probably due to vitamin deficiencies, toxins in the body, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, poor blood circulation, migraines, infections, spine spondylosis, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal stenosis, spinal disc herniation, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome and osteoporosis. In serious cases, it may be caused by kidney failure due to nerve damaged.

If the numbness in your fingers and along the sole of your right foot is likely due to nerve damage, please consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Please consult your doctor if you have chronic numbness in your feet or hands to proper diagnose so that you can get better treatment.

For example, if you have this problem, you may go for a capillary test. There may be many blocked and twisted capillaries. When a capillary is blocked, new smaller branches were formed to help carry the nutrients and oxygen to the cells. These small capillaries usually carry not enough blood and oxygen to the cells, that’s why you feel numbness in several parts of your body, especially the hands and feet which are further away from your heart.

Helpful foods/fruits that may unclog or prevent clogged arteries: - Avocado, Pomegranate, Cranberries, Flaxseeds, Green Tea, Lemon, Ginger, Turmeric, Garlic, Cinnamon, salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna can help to clear arteries. 


Brewer's yeast, Krill oil, Alpha Lipoic Acid 300mg, Omega 3, B-Complex with Thiamine (as benfotiamine 300 mg), Vitamin B6 250 mg & (Vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin 250 mcg 1 to 3 times daily), Ginkgo Biloba, Calcium 1000mg + 500 mg magnesium + Vitamin D3 400IU, Spirulina 500mg, Chlorella 500 mg, Pomegranate capsule 500mg daily.

Health supplements such as Natto or Nattokinase, Vitamin C, Lysine, L-arginine, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin E, Lecithin, can help to clear the plaque in the arteries and improve blood circulation.

As we get older, our nerves transport messages less effectively causing the fingers and toes tingle, numbness, and pain. A fat-soluble form of thiamine (Vitamin B1) is called benfotiamine which can stay in the body much longer than water-soluble thiamine to help healthy nerve signals travel from our brains to the toes.
Vitamin B12 can relief tingling, numbness and pain caused by the nerves. There are two types of vitamin B12, methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. Methycobalamin is better which can help reverse the tingling, numbness, and pain.

TCM Treatments:- Chinese herbal medicines, acupuncture, and cupping.

Treatment #1:- A Chinese herb 三七, 田七, known as Tienchi ginseng, San qi, three-seven root, mountain plant and  Panax notoginseng can be used to treat this problem. (Available in tablets)

Treatment #2:-
Fresh Ginger (5 slices) + 5 pieces Red dates, boil & simmer with  2 cups water for 30 minutes and serve as a tea.

Treatment #3:-
Soak your feet in a tub of warm water (40*C)  for about 15 minutes daily. You can also add 1 cup of Epsom salt which can flush out toxin.

Treatment #4:-
Danshen root is helpful in enhancing blood circulation, to reduce both the numbness and pain.

Recommended Chinese Herbal Medicines

(六味 地黄片 Liu Wei Di Huang Wan).

This Chinese herbal medicine is for general health. It is  very effective to treat back pain due to the weak kidney. Numbness in hands or soles due to poor blood circulation and yin deficiency.

It is also useful to treat Type II diabetes, Weakness in the knees, insomnia, Dizziness, Sweating, Dry mouth or throat and  Low Back Pain due to yin deficiency. 

Guang Ci Tang Fu Fang Dan Shen Wan Tablets,
Fu Fang Dan Shen Pian (Fu Fang Dan Shen Wan, Cardiovigor) is a renowned Chinese herbal formula used in China to alleviate heart-related pain like angina pectoris, palpitations, shortness of breath, or feelings of heaviness and pressure in the chest. A dietary herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy circulatory system.

GML Pills:
🔴 Blood vessels are blocked 🔴 Breathing is not smooth
🔴 Angina pectoris 🔴 Paralysis of hands and feet

成份 Ingredients:
丹参 Radix Salvia Miltiorrhizae   400mg
田七 Radix Panax Notoginseng   500mg
瓜蒌 Fructus Trichosanthis Kirilowii   400mg
山楂 Fructus Crataegus Pinnatifida   400mg
葛根 Radix Puerariae Lobata   500mg
桑寄生 Ramulus Taxillus Chinensis   400mg
絞股藍 Herba Gynostemma Pentaphyllum   400mg

NANO KRILL OIL EPA 780mg/ DHA330mg, 90-CAPS. Contains Antarctica (South Pole) Krill Oil. Promotes brain, heart and artery elasticity. Highly recommended for working adults, elderly. Made in Japan - 

Nano Krill Oil is a low temperature extract of the abundant Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) which contains unique phospholipids rich in omega-3 (EPA and DHA). With effectiveness 6.5X higher than standard fish oil, you can enjoy health arterial condition and cardiovascular response.
Key Benefits:
Reduces risks of arterial-related diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Promotes healthy blood lipid levels, effective arterial elasticity. Manages cholesterol level and balance blood pressure. Helps to maintain active brain function.
Highly recommended
- Search for the product at Shopee.com.my or click here

Opceden NerviPro
Advanced Formula for Healthy Nerve, that helps to reduce tingling & numbness in your limbs
Promote microcirculation  in body ( dilates the blood vessels and improves blood flow)
Strengthen and protect nerves: reduce the risk  of nerve damage.
Hair Root & Scalp Hurt
Occipital Neuralgia is a condition in which the occipital nerves are inflamed and even a light touch can be painful.

It is a serve piercing, shooting, shocking, throbbing, burning, or aching pain in the upper neck, back of the head or behing the ears, and headache that generally starts at the base of the head and spreads along the scalp. The scalp is sensitive to touch or when you move your head.

What causes pain in the scalp when you move your head or comb your hair?

The common causes of scalp pain are a tension headache, injury to your neck, stress, scalp pimples, inflammation of the skin on your head, and sore throat.  To reduce this problem, eat a healthy diet, drink enough water and get enough sleep.  Avoid fried foods which can cause inflammation and damage to the blood vessels that supply the head area and arteries that branch from the neck. Other  possible causes maybe when you lie down to watch TV and stress your neck. You may have suffered from eyestrain after working on your PC for hours.
Another possible cause of scalp pain is temporal arteries (the blood vessels near the temples), which supply blood from the heart to the scalp, are inflamed (swollen).

According to TCM, scalp pain can be caused by heat (sunburn) and cold (wind). So, to prevent scalp pain, stay indoors during hot weather or wear a hat when outdoors, and avoid fan blowing directly to you.

Eat some anti-inflammation herbs and fruits may be helpful such as ginger, pineapple, cherries, sweet potatoes, papaya tea, turmeric, berries, and green tea.

Papaya Tea: - Take one fresh small Green papaya, wash and cut into cubes without removing the skin. Put the papaya cubes in a cooking pot. Add 3 cups of water and boil for about 5 minutes. Add one tea bag of green tea. When cool, serve as tea. Drink one to two cups of this tea daily for a few days. This simple home remedy is effective to treat pain in the scalp and can also help to treat gout.

Papain is an enzyme derived from the latex of papaya which can reduce inflammation. 

Recommended Supplements:
Devil's Claw, Acetyl-L-carnitine, Papain, Evening Primrose oil, Curcumin, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Spirulina, Ginger, Boswellia, Bromelain, Quercetin, Maritime Pine Bark, Omega-3 fish oil, White Willow bark, Flax Seed oil, Black Seed oil, Vitamin B complex, NAC, Calcium, Magnesium, and Green Tea.

Neurobion Forte, vitamin B12 B1 B6 supplement, which helps provide relief from tingling, numbness, and burning sensation.
Neurobion with combination of vitamin B1, B6 and B12 is clinically tested to nourish your nerve cells, helps to improve nerve function and relieves nerve pain, keeping the feeling of tingling and numbness at bay.
Vitamin B1 100mg
Vitamin B6 200mg
Vitamin B12 200mcg

Nerve Regen - Formula for Nerve Pain Relief
Nerve Renew for Neuropathy Pain Relief with Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin B1 B6 B12 & Passion Flower Extract.
Nerve support for healthy nerve function in fingers, hands and feet, head, nerve regeneration, pain relief, less numbness.

Active ingredient:

Powerlife Mecozin Cr + ALA Plus
Powerlife Mecozin Cr + ALA Plus is a comprehensive formula designed for neuropathy nerve support and blood glucose control. It contains a high strength of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), Benfotiamine, Vitamin B12, B5, B6, B9, Inositol, and Chromium polynicotinate.

TCM :-
Donglingcao Pian (Rabdosia rubescens) is a traditional herb in Chinese medicine used to treat inflammation. Available online at  click here or at Shopee Malaysia.

Chinese Scalp Acupuncture Relieves Pain.
Brain Shinkage
Brain Atrophy (Overview)

Brain atrophy is shrinking of the brain normally caused by aging. Other diseases such as Infectious Diseases, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity, Poor sleep habits, Pick's disease, and Traumatic Brain Injury can cause increased rates of brain atrophy.

Brain Atrophy Symptoms: - Loss of memory, Loss of hearing, Trouble speaking, Seizures, Loss of independence, Physical weakness, Inability to participate normally in activities

There is no cure for this complication but treatment with health supplements may slow the damage and improve physical ability.

Recommended Health Supplements.

#1. Coconut oil #2. Krill Oil #3. Vitamin D & Vitamin B complex #4. Pomegranate juice #5. Spirulina.
Warning: Always purchase health suppliments from Official Supplier. There are many fake (Counterfeit) products sold online.
The report here is for your understanding of the above health problems and not a substitute for professional medical care and should not be used treating a health problem or a disease and that the materials here are not meant as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult with your physician, doctor, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your ailment.
Herbs can interact with other medicines. Do not take them together. Consult with your physician first. I do not claim that anything in my blog can cure certain diseases. That would be illegal. Instead, I believe that there isn’t, and never will be a one-stop ‘cure’ to all diseases, and that eliminating disease requires many changes including diet, exercise, and switching to healthy foods.
All trademarks, company names, product names ,and videos mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.
More Things For You To Read
Natural Remedies and Herbs for Congestive Heart Failure -click here
High Blood Pressure - click here to learn
Sticky Blood - click here to learn
How To Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - click here to learn
What causes arterial plaque and hardening of the blood vessels? - click here to learn
Zhu Mao Tan
Chinese Gua Sha
What is Sticky Blood?
How to Treat Someone Having a Stroke | First Aid Training
心 脏病发作的几个急救穴位,有效顺通心血管堵塞
Several first aid acupuncture points for heart attack, effective smooth cardiovascular blockage
胳 膊酸疼要注意,心脏病发作前2个症状,手三里调节身体! 【侃侃养生】
The arm should be aching, pay attention to the two symptoms before the heart attack, and adjust the body with your hands!
12 Top Black Fungus Mushrooms Benefits for Overall Health

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